
The Day of Reasoning and President Monson

So, for those of you who really know Caylin know what a little stinker she is when she comes to eating. It is like pulling teeth to get her to eat anything most of the time. She still won't even touch bread, and no, not even the sacrament! Her meal choices at this time consist of waffles, oatmeal, cereal, corn and chicken nuggets. Most of the time she opts for cereal, but every once in a while she has been known to throw us for a loop and actually eat something different. Well, for a while now I have basically given up on trying to get her to eat a variety of foods and just say that at some point she'll understand enough to let me reason with her. I am happy to say that I believe that day is in the near future! Today at lunch I got her a Happy Meal, and usually if she sees the french fries she won't even consider eating anything else. I told her today that if she ate some of her chicken she could have some french fries. She didn't even put up a fight and ate the whole thing! I was shocked! She got a few french fries and I tried it again. It worked! I cannot even tell you how surprised and happy that made me! Hopefully now we can coax her into trying something new every once in a while, and maybe she might even be willing to touch the bread, although eating it may be something entirely different!

On a completely different note, I had the Presidential Inauguration on the other day as we were playing in the living room. After a while Caylin went in her room and began playing. She grabbed something and said, "I go see Monson." I asked her what she said, and she said again, "I go see President Monson!" and then proceeded to go out in front of the TV and play again. Wrong President, but I just had to laugh!

1 little munchkins:

Sly Family said...

That is so cute that she thought the president on the TV was President Monson!!! It is interesting how strange kids can be with their food. I would say Isabelle is a good eater, but she goes through periods where she won't eat anything. Crazy kids!!!