
4th of July

So, better late than never with this one, but the Fourth of July seemed to come and go so quickly! We had fun going to the parade and games at Evergreen Park, which is a Healey family tradition.

This is our float, which Caylin absolutely refused to get on for some reason, so she actually walked over half of the parade, but then Holly and I ended up trading off carrying her. She loved throwing candy and waving at everyone.

The theme was "Heroes", so we all wore stars with our hero on them.

As you can see, the baby even got a star!

Caylin with Mimi and Papa
Caylin with Grandma Jill and Papa Fred
This is Caylin's new boyfriend, Nick. We walked to Wasatch Jr. High to do parachute fireworks before it got dark and these two became buds.
The sparklers were a hit! This is how she watched the bigger fireworks. She was okay as long as Papa was covering her ears!

2 little munchkins:

Kelsey said...

I am in love with her dress!!! Where did you get it? Cute pix. You look great :) Any names for the new one yet?

schaars said...

How cute are all your 4th pictures. You look DARLING as always I love the new belly shots. Cant wait for Thursday to catch up. Have you started potty training yet? I am going to be brave and start it I want her to be potty trained before our Cali trip in a month but I just wondered if you had any tips??