
Halloween Preview

Tonight my parents' ward had their annual Halloween party, so the girls got to get all dressed up in their costumes. Caylin was so excited all day to wear her Snow White costume and her new headband and danced around like a princess when she finally got all dressed up.

Snow White and my little ladybug

I was done taking pictures, then Caylin said, "But mom, we're holding hands!"

this was Caylin's favorite game-Halloween Twister. She had a hard time trying to figure out to put a foot or a hand on the squares, so she just jumped from color to color when they said it.

Caylin, Bree and Papa

2 little munchkins:

carla thorup said...

both costumes are so purdy! i love seeing little kids dressed up... it's one of the best thing about this silly/most awesome holiday!

Tory said...

They both look so cute! By the way, just so you don't think we are the worst friends ever...Since I forgot to call you to get directions to your church, I thought I would just try to find it on my own based on what you told me on Wednesday. After driving around for about thirty minutes, we obviously never found it! Sorry for being such terrible friends!