
Wheeler Farm

Today Colby, Caylin and I went to Wheeler Farm with Kelsey and Hallie. I was excited to get out, and it was such a treat to have daddy with us. Caylin loved the ducks, stared at the chickens, but didn't really care too much for the other animals. Oh well, maybe next time! She did have fun with Hallie, as you can see from the pics!


so cute!

Caylin and daddy (she looks happy, doesn't she!)

Watching the ducks

cute Hallie! (she was obsessed with being in our stroller - it was pretty funny!)

Kelsey and Hallie

watching the chickens

saying goodbye!

2 little munchkins:

Kelsey said...

Those pics are so cute! It was so great to spend the afternoon with you guys :) Thanks for humoring Hallie with the stroller!

Jess said...

Cute pics! I can't believe what a little girl she is. Time flies! Hopefully I will see you two on Thursday!