I just couldn't hold off any longer. I had Caylin in her high chair this morning as I unloaded the dishwasher and as I pulled out her bowls and spoons, I couldn't help but get out the rice cereal and make up a batch for her. She was thrilled once she realized that I had food and that she was going to get some. She actually did much better than I was expecting her to do with it - it all stayed in her mouth! I had to hold her hands down to keep her from trying to feed herself. Yesterday her uncle Brett got married, and Caylin was able to taste some of the wedding cake, so I figured she was ready for the rice cereal.
Caylin actually got a second dose this evening as well after she threw a fit that the cookie I was eating was gone. She got to taste that, and was very unhappy that there was no more, so I got some more cereal ready for her. She had quite a bit, and threw yet another fit when the cereal was gone. I think I may have created a monster! I really was quite impressed at how good she was with it. She didn't act confused or unsure of what to do with it, she apparently has been ready for a while it seems!
Colby and Caylin at the wedding yesterday
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