

Disneyland was so much fun, and it was so fun to see Caylin experience everything, although she cried on nearly every ride and for nearly every character. She did get braver as the day went on, but not by much. She had fun all week with all her cousins and getting lots of attention, and experiencing so many new things.

Thanks to Creed's IPod for entertaining her a bit on the plane!

I was so worried about naps, but she managed to sneak one in (thank goodness!)

the first princess, and she wouldn't let me put her down

getting braver


she stood next to Goofy and said "Hi!" and was fine until he looked down at her, then she started crying

why steal just mommy's ice cream when you can have daddy's too?!

she was a little unsure about the parade - clapping and laughing one minute, then crying and covering her ears the next!

Thanks Grandma Jill and Papa Fred for a fun trip!

3 little munchkins:

Becky said...

Oh my brave little girl. Love the pictures; especially the princessessessess. Glad you had a wonderful time.


betsy said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun. I want to go to Sea World so bad. Why does it have to be so expensive?

We will see you so soon! We will most likely be in Utah from June 26th-ish to July 7th. I hear Colby and Kris have a golfing trip planned to Mesquite.

carla thorup said...

i love her plaid swimsuit! so cute :) and i also appreciate all the pictures you have of her eating ice cream... she knows what's up in the world.