
What's been going on . . .

These past few weeks have been crazy! We close on our condo next week, so I have been spending my days packing and trying to stay somewhat organized, but I feel like I can't find anything, let alone my mind lately. Let me tell you, trying to move with a two year old and being seven and a half months pregnant is not the ideal situation, but it will all be worth it in the end. We finally found a house, but won't close until after the baby is born, and it needs a lot of TLC, so we will be staying at my grandparents for the next few months. I am sure that after dealing with Caylin and a newborn, they will be more than happy to get rid of us when things are said and done! I thought I would have a few pics to share, but my computer isn't cooperating, so they'll have to wait until next time, whenever that may come around!

7 little munchkins:

Kelsey said...

I'm sooo excited for you guys!

bergernick said...

It was so fun to bump into you the other day. Cailyn is even cuter in person than in pics. Congrats on finding a new home!

bergernick said...

Sorry...I must be signed in as my husband. The last comment was from me (Jessi)

Amy and Wes said...

Congrats on the house.
Where is it?
I found out the other day that my neighbor is your relative-Cheryl Thorup. She is awesome. Love her. She said you guys were looking in our neighborhood...that would be fun.
Anyway, hope your pregnancy continues to go well.

schaars said...

Linds I can't even imagine taking on all that you are right now! If you need any help with Caylin let me know I could take her and give you some alone time. We want to play maybe we could go swim this week? What are your days like?

betsy said...

Exciting news on the house guys! Congrats. Can't wait to see pictures. And good luck with the move.

Maquel said...

Good luck with the move. I'm impressed that you're doing so much considering how far along you are. A new home is always exciting, though!