
Wheeler Farm and such

Caylin loves to lay with Bree on her little play mat
Feeding the ducks at Wheeler Farm

these two sat and stared at each other for quite a while
She was a little scared of the scarecrow at first, but she got brave
me and my two girls
Bree and Mimi

3 little munchkins:

schaars said...

They are to CUTE sorry I have never called you back we have never gotten over this crap. The day after we canceled sienna got the throw ups and that was HORRIBLE and now we are both sick with Sinus infections. So were on meds and lets hope we can kick it once and for all! Then we can finally have a play date. You look grate Linds I can't wait to see what your girlies are going to be for Halloween.

Kari said...

Your girls are so cute!! We've never been to Wheeler Farm, it looks like so much fun.

Amy and Wes said...

Darling pics of your two cute girls.
We should get together sometime.
We gotta let Bree & Will get to know eachother.