
Money Bath

I hope this doesn't look too vain, but Caylin had some fun yesterday. Her thing lately has been to empty everything out of our nightstand drawers (she also likes to take all the toys out of that little box and just sit in it). It's quite a pain to clean up again and again, but I guess it could be a lot worse! Anyway, Colby gave me a stack of $1 bills in my Christmas stocking that I have kept in my drawer. Caylin has pulled out the stack before and looked at it, but yesterday she went to town. It was pretty funny to find her like this and then watch her throw money all over!

4 little munchkins:

Kelsey said...

she's so cute! I wish I could take a money bath :)

Kelsey said...

about the shoes: It was a huge sale at some warehouse in sugarhouse. They have 2 sales a year and the next one is in the fall. I'll let you know when it is.
I found out the night before from someone's blog :)

schaars said...

She is too funny!!! Lets get together sometime this week maybe it will be good weather and we could finally go to the Zoo. Sienna is taking more steps every day she still just figures crawling is faster. She takes about 5 and then sits down and takes off silly girl!

Shawna Wilson said...

She's so funny - isn't it crazy the stuff they get into sometimes! So I have a random question for ya...I noticed Caylin's cute bumper pad in the post about her "nigh nigh" and I've been wanted to make Taryn a new one. The kind she has now hasn't held up to well (I guess that's what happens when you order from EBAY!) Anyway, I was wondering if you made hers or bought it somewhere...I love the different fabrics!