our life, one day at a time
posted at 1:53 PM 8 little munchkins
Last weekend we took Caylin to the park twice and she loved the slides! She got so giddy every time she went down them! Today we went to Jungle Jim's for cousins' day with Grandma and Grandpa. Caylin thought she was so big and got such a kick out of everything. It was so fun to watch her.
posted at 9:40 PM 6 little munchkins
Thanks to Ashlee, I put Caylin's hair in pigtails the other day and I love it! It looks so cute, but it makes her look so big also! I can't believe how fast she is growing up and quickly she is turning into a little girl. I just thought I would share some pics of her new 'do. (She also, if you can't tell, has all of a sudden turned into a binky girl! She has to have it all the time, along with lovey. It's funny too because she can't just have one or the other - she almost always has to have both!)
This is our daily ritual - going for walks outside, and Caylin always has to take her baby
Chillin' in the laundry basket
posted at 2:17 PM 4 little munchkins
Caylin's new thing is asking where things are: the birdies, the moon, lovey, me. It is so cute. It started with looking for birdies and the moon, but as of yesterday, she started looking for lovey. Out of nowhere she called out "weh-ah-you" and then all of a sudden I hear "eh-i-i" (here it is!), and I found her sitting on the ground hugging lovey. This morning I went out of the room and she starts calling me "weh-ah-you." I was hoping she would find me and exclaim "eh-you-ah" (here you are), but instead I found that she had dragged the diaper bag into our room and was pulling everything out of it. I guess she got just a bit distracted! It is so cute to hear her say it, and then to watch her play the game with herself, and get so excited when she actually finds what she is looking for!
posted at 6:12 PM 3 little munchkins