Bath time with lovey
posted at 11:53 AM 8 little munchkins
It's so nice to have daddy home early on Fridays, so today we went to the Aquarium. We couldn't stay long, which is good because there isn't a ton to see, but we still had a good time.
posted at 7:19 PM 2 little munchkins
Yesterday we went boating up to Echo with Colby's boss and his family and some friends that were visiting from Finland (visiting Colby's boss, that is). Caylin was entertained by the rocks on shore and just playing in the water. She liked the boat, but she had to be down walking around every time we stopped. She also had a fit when I got in the water to go skiing, but she survived! Luckily we were only there for a few hours, because Caylin didn't have a nap all day, and by the end, let's just say I was ready to go home!

posted at 6:11 PM 2 little munchkins
What happens when you leave dad in charge

posted at 12:35 AM 6 little munchkins
July 4th
Caylin almost lasted on the float the entire time, but started standing up at the end, so I had to carry her. She loved waving to the people, and taking the candy out of the bucket and handing it to me. She also loved the fireworks, which I figured she would, but you never can tell. We went to the Real game the night before and watched their fireworks show as well. She was fascinated. Her favorite part of the whole day just may have been the tractor, however. Caylin has an obsession with tractors and points them out to me wherever we go. I had to buy her a toy tractor so she could have one at home!
posted at 12:29 AM 3 little munchkins
Millcreek Canyon
Last week we went up the canyon and had dinner. I forget how relaxing it is up there, not to mention cooler and so beautiful. Caylin loved running around and picking up the rocks (big surprise!)
posted at 11:38 PM 0 little munchkins
Last week Ashlee and I took Caylin and Sienna to the aquarium. I have been wanting to go there for a while, and was glad I finally went, although it was much smaller than I expected. Caylin liked watching the fish, but especially liked just running around in the little kids' section they have by the stingray pool. Ashlee and I didn't get to talk too much because Caylin and Sienna were just running around most of the time, not even paying attention to one another! Hopefully one day they will be good friends!
posted at 12:49 PM 2 little munchkins