
We say Holy Cow!

A few weeks ago, Caylin kept repeating something, and I didn't want to pay too much attention to her because I was afraid of what she was really saying. When I asked her to repeat it finally, I concluded that she kept saying "Holy Sh*@!" I couldn't help but laugh, and then quickly told her we didn't say that, that we say "Holy Cow!" instead. For a couple of days she told us over and over "We say Holy Cow, we don't say Holy Sh*@!" Luckily she has gotten over it for the most part, but every once in a while she reminds me what we do and don't say.

3 little munchkins:

Kelsey said...

I'm sorry but it's my fave thing in the whole world! You know her voice kills me :)

schaars said...

Ha ha ha ha that seriously is too funny! Sienna tells my dog to sit seriously all day but when she says it it comes out as sh** and Casey thinks it is so funny and has her say it over and over. So now whenever we see a do anywhere that is what she is say I get some dirty looks from people, but the poor girl cant say SIT!!!!!

Tory said...

How did I miss this post before? That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!