
Birthday Party!

Caylin's birthday party was full of food and family. She got so many cute clothes and toys, and the hit of everything was her purple doll stroller. Once we opened it up, it was hard to get her away from it. The cake was a hit as well, as you can see from the pictures. I still can't believe it's already been a year since she was born, but I wouldn't trade the last year for anything! By the way, the purple string you can see in the pictures is a balloon. It was cute because when I went to pick up her birthday cake, the lady at the check stand took it off her register and clipped it to the shopping cart. Caylin wore it around all day long, and it was a good way to keep track of her!

Caylin's new doll in the beloved stroller

Grandma and the birthday girl

she tried to blow out the candle, but mom had to help

our cute little family!

the cake

1 little munchkins:

Kelsey said...

I love it! Isn't the 1st bday party the best?! She is so adorable. We MUST hang out soon por favor :)